Pictures from Clothesline Art Therapy Project in Mombasa, Kenya

Here is Mariam. On this day, our normal welcome desk was turned into an art studio.

Here I am playing with Baby Happy instead of painting. Since I don't have HIV/AIDS I tried not to actually paint any of the shirts unless some of the members wanted my help with English spelling. In Kenya, often times mothers will name their children after events that happened while they were pregnant. Say several pregnant mothers survive a natural disaster and go on to deliver healthy babies, there may be more than one Baby Lucky in town that year. I don't know how Happy got her name, but something good must have happened.

Here is a group photo of the members after we were done with the art project. I'm to the far right with Baby Happy again. I had no desire to be in this members only photo, but they insisted.

Here is a member checking out the half finished clothesline.

The clothesline.

And again...

Here is Patrick positioning some newspapers and shirts for the drying process. Patrick was WOFAK's driver.

Here is Mama Rachel laying some shirts out to dry. Mama Rachel was WOFAK's counselor.

Here is the banner we had made to travel with the project.